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BTS suga interview, serene and hot confession "I want to continue music" BTS sugar showed a passion for music. In the comeback interview of BTS'BE', which was released through Weverse Magazine on the 4th, Suga shared a sincere story about her life and music. In the magazine pictorial released that day, Suga revealed its charm by giving points with a shirt on a leather rider jacket under dreamy lighting. It was Suga who stared at the camera without expression, but tal.. 2021. 1. 4.
BTS In korea News.. BTS-Jungkook, 70m^3 apartment sell → 2nd floor single-family house Buy... Will he aim for market margin? BTS-Jungkook's real estate sale news was delivered. BTS-Jungkook sold the Seoul Forest Trimaze apartment last year in korea. BTS-Jungkook purchased the apartment for 1.95 billion won($1,772,727) in October 2018, and sold it for 2,500 million won in October last year. It is a 70m^2 apartment. Capital gains are estimated to be 100 million won($90,900), and it is known that capital gains are not la.. 2021. 1. 4.
배꼽빠질 웃긴 강아지 영상 모음 [ 2020. 3. 23.
정말 일어나서는 안되는 영화 속 핵폭발 장면 new PartnersCoupang.G({"id":152818,"subId":null}); 2020. 3. 21.
틱톡 동물 개그맨들ㅎㅎㅎ new PartnersCoupang.G({"id":152818,"subId":null}); 2020. 3. 20.
도로위의 김여사 레전드 2020. 3. 18.
이 엄청난 UFO들이 외계인의 증거? new PartnersCoupang.G({"id":152818,"subId":null}); 2020. 3. 16.
현재 난리난 파키스탄 메뚜기떼 현장 new PartnersCoupang.G({"id":152818,"subId":null}); 2020. 3. 15.