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BTS story

BTS suga interview, serene and hot confession "I want to continue music"

by 도날드닭꼬치 2021. 1. 4.

BTS sugar showed a passion for music.

In the comeback interview of BTS'BE', which was released through Weverse Magazine

on the 4th, Suga shared a sincere story about her life and music.

In the magazine pictorial released that day,

Suga revealed its charm by giving points with a shirt

on a leather rider jacket under dreamy lighting.

It was Suga who stared at the camera without expression,

but talked hotly about the music. In the following interview,

Suga confessed that he had seen many works while

he stopped working due to shoulder surgery.




In particular, watching music programs such as'Singer Gain','Focus' and'Show Me the Money 9',

he said, "I thought a lot about what to do in the future.

I want to do music," he said.





Suga said, "I want to continue playing music," and said,

"I have a lot of conversations with music players.

There are also senior seniors, and there are active musicians.

After talking with them, I know that I love music a lot.


I got to know. My main job is music,

so I can't imagine not doing this,” he said about his new dream.

Also, “I was very motivated by watching Na Hoon-ah's performance on Chuseok.

'How many musicians can make people watch the performance and listen to music for such a long time?'


At that moment, the thought of'I want to be like that' came into contact.




